Kick-off Meeting with Colleagues

On Tuesday 5th July, we hold our first meeting with ~20 colleagues of HEIG-VD and started a brainstorming about an universal infrastructure for connected devices.
I presented the SOO technology as an example of framework which could be used to manage the deployment of home automation oriented applications.
My team also presented a small demonstrator involving a couple of smart objects to manage blinds and LEDs, as well as the dynamic injection of an instant messaging application using the same infrastructure.

This meeting was very exciting and rich with exchanges from each other.

We agreed to set up a steering committee to define a first set of guidelines (and ideas), and to define the next actions.

Currently, the steering committe is composed of:

  • Yves Chevallier (TIN)
  • Jürgen Ehrensberger (TIC)
  • Sébastien Guillaume (EC+G)
  • Sylvain Pasini / Yann Lederrey (TIC)
  • Daniel Rossier (TIC)

In addition, two other Colleagues should join the board (IGT and IESE)

You can have a look at the slides (2.9 MB)
and a mindmap (56.2 KB) resulting from the brainstorming.