Release v2021.4.1

This release has very interresting addons such as the networking support using the lightweight IP extension (lwip) as well as a graphics support with LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library).
Both have made a great work to enhance SO3 with these nice functionalities. They also began to integrate these features in the SOO framework with mobile entities.

The graphics support has been realized by Nikolaos Garanis during his diploma work.
The support for networking has been achieved by Julien Quartier during his diploma work.

In details:

  • Added support for LVGL ( (early stage)
  • Added support for gettimeofday() and clock_gettime()
  • New scheduling policy based on dynamic priorities
  • Added support for networking based on lwip (early stage)
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I’ve also completed the doc for deploying a user app into the virtual SD-card. While it is possible to deploy into the MMC directly, it is however encouraged to deploy in the ramfs which will be embedded into the file loaded by U-boot.
Please visit the documentation