Raspberry can't boot


The build and deploy ran without errors, But when i try to boot the raspberry it say that the start4.elf is not compatible.

Boot screen:


I have a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB ram

Hi Jonathan,

I never had this issue…
I will check if new version of the rpi4 FW have been released.


Hi Jonathan,

the Raspberry foundation pushed new version of the rpi FW. It can be found here: rpi FW repo.

What I can propose is to replace the FW from OpenCN with this new one.

  • OpenCN rpi4 FW-bsp path: <OPENCN_HOME>/bsp/rpi4

Let us know if it fixed the issue or not.

Have a nice day


Now a can boot, but it stuck at this point:

Hi Jonathan,

We connect with the board through Serial port, not HDMI.

Hi Jonathan,

we use the following USB-Serial cable, but any USB-Serial cable should work.

It can be connected on TXD, RXD pins (GPIO 14 & 15 on the rip4). Then you can use any terminal emulation program like picocom, minicom, screen, … (we use picocom) to connect to the rpi4/opencn terminal.

Hope this helps


I don’t now if de rpi4 is alive.
Would it be possible to have a some help via teams ?

Hi Jonathan,
Jean-Pierre will support you. We will also update the master branch with the full support of 64-bit. It will come very soon.
In the meanwhile, you can get some feedback using an UART and picocom as serial emulator in Linux, as Jean-Pierre explained in its reply. At least, you should see logs of U-boot. Do you have that?

Hi Jonathan,

We can do a teams together to see what is going on with our rpi4.

  • You can send me an email to organize it (jean-pierre . miceli @ heig-vd .ch).

Have a nice day


At first I put the new firmware and manage to make it work but apparently it didn’t. There is not enough space in the partition of the sd card for the new firmware.

Re-try to generate a new SD-card with ./create_img.sh rpi4 in filesystem/ directory. It is possible that the SD-card has been corrupted.
And re-deploy the whole…